dimecres, 27 de maig del 2009

Orals expositions

1.Fran: Unemployment:
-20% people look for job(catalunya)
Problems aren't only economic, social and unemployed
-In spain, the male unemployment increased in febrerary by 14'8%. The women unemployed 16'8%.
-Probably crisis began when technology was the most important science. Central banks reduced the echonomic interest.
-Now people are angir and echonomic interest are more than 5 %.

2.Albert: School failure:
the responsible aren't only the boys and girls.
A lot of poor families prefer to work
The majority of school failuring is in outhling.
Make a grups for a people has a problems.

3.Arunas: Drought:
-What is a drought and his threats?
It's a time when it doesn't rain for a long time, and the region needs water sepply.

More important in Africa, India, China, Pakistan... North of America...
Rainfall is related to amount of water vapor in the atmosphere, combined with the upward forcing of the air mass that water vapor.
Periods of drought can have significant environmental, agricultural, health economic and social consequences.

4. Cristian: Acid rain:
-What we know about acid rain?.

Sulfur dioxide
Nitrogen oxide

Surface waters and aquatic animals
Forests and other vegetation
Human health
Other adverses effects
Premature deaths

Natural gas
Electrical transport
Maximun level of sulfur.

5.Joel: AH1N1:

-Big influenza
New influenza
It's possible to contract
Don't exists vaccine

Apear the influenza in Mexico
People take masks
Now influenza are expanted in 29 countries.

Economy problems with tourism
Political problems in Chine and MExico

6.Wijam: Obesity:
-The diferent types:
ANy BMI > 40 is severe obesity
BMI > 50 is super obese
BMI > 40, 49.9 is morbif obesity

3.Physical inactivity
4.Nutritional imbalance, or excessive intake

Medical treatment

7.Sandra-Sergio: Racism:
Racism is a form os discrimination of the people for different causes

Racial discrimination
Economic racism
Institutional racism


8.Xavi: Bullying:
.Risc of suicide

-Types of bullying:
.School bullying
.Work bullying
.Cyber bullying

.Say it
.Go at the police